Here, in spiritual direction, all things may be brought. Here someone has been trained to listen to the things you may not be able to share with your closest friend. Spiritual direction is a holy calling and a holy privilege. We enter into it with utmost care. We learn and grow so we can offer spiritual direction with integrity and with utmost confidence that God is with us.
“H E R E”
Right here, that space you meet with others, is a listening place.
We listen to God, to ourselves, and to others.
“It has been said of those in the First Testament, the Hebrew scriptures, who listened deeply to others as a soul-friend, that they were like shade from the heat of the noon day sun. The highest compliment you could pay such a deeply interested companion was the affirmation ‘You are my shade.’” – Spiritual Direction, Sue Pickering, Forward written by David J. Moxon, Archbishop of the New Zeland Diocese